Agis Terzidis

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Agis Terzidis, pediatrician, with graduate studies in public health and a PhD in epidemiology - preventive medicine, is the author of 12 publications in foreign language journals and 10 in Greek. He has specialized in health of vulnerable groups - immigrant populations and the health of fertility. He has been very active in the field of humanitarian NGOs and has participated in national and international missions of MDM, MSF & NGO PRAKSIS. He is a founding member of Médecins du Monde and member of the Board of Doctors Without Borders since 2012. Also active in the clinical field of adolescent medicine at the Adolescent Health Unit, Second Department of Pediatrics, Children's Hospital "P. & A. Kyriakou" and he is a Scientific Collaborator of the Greek Society of Adolescent Medicine. Dr Terzidis is a tutor of studies in the Postgraduate Programme of Medicine School of Athens "International Medicine - Health Crisis Management ", a member of the Panel for the health immigrant populations and a medical coordinator on the programs of MDM.