Vasiliki Dimitrakopoulou

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Δημητρακοπούλου Α. ΒασιλικήPsychologist, Scientific Collaborator Adolescent Health Unit (AHU) 2nd Dept of Pediatrics, University / University of Athens Children's Hospital "P. & A. Kyriakou"

The Psychologist Vasiliki Dimitrakopoulou has graduated the Department of Psychology of Panteion University and has postgraduate studies in Special Education at the University of Athens.

Scientific Collaborator of Adolescent Health Unit (AHU), 2nd Dept of Pediatrics, "P. & A. Kyriakou" Children's Hospital, University of Athens and Educator on Distance Learning “E-Learning” Educational programmes of National University of Athens, for health professionals, teachers and parents. She has also worked for several years at the Institute of Mental and Sexual Health of Dr Askitis T. and at the National Social Institution of Prevention and Health Education on sexual health, as Psychologist also, at the Second Chance Schools of adults, Manager of service programmes in semi-independent living of people with learning disabilities and at the Rehabilitation Institution “Theotokos” with disabled children and adolescents.

She has co-authored scientific articles and chapters in Greek and International scientific literature of which has won three scientific awards for research work. She has visited numerous schools throughout Greece as an invited speaker from Adolescent Health Unit (AHA) to educate adolescents, parents and teachers on various issues of prevention and adolescent health and as a speaker at various Greek scientific conferences. The activity of her research focuses on the mental health of children and adolescents, sexual habits of Greek adolescents, safe internet use among adolescents and sexuality of the disabled. She has participated as a researcher in the European Research EUNET ADB, which was conducted in seven European countries and concerns online risk behaviors.

Founding and board member of the Greek Society of Adolescent Medicine and member of the Greek Society Interdisciplinary Intervention Umbrella She is also Social Welfare Volunteer of the Greek Red Cross since 2000.